MediBuddy Mobile Services V1.1

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The following routes are available for this service:

To override the Content-type in your clients HTTP Accept Header, append the .jsv suffix or ?format=jsv


The following are sample HTTP requests and responses. The placeholders shown need to be replaced with actual values.

POST /jsv/reply/ClaimBeneficiaryEcardRequest HTTP/1.1 
Content-Type: text/jsv
Content-Length: length

	maid: 0,
	beneficiaryName: String,
	relationId: 0,
	claimId: 0,
	employeeId: String,
	corporateName: String,
	policyNo: String,
	mobileNumber: 0,
	email: String,
		encryptedText: String,
		mobileNumber: String,
		email: String,
		otp: String,
		passwordEncryption: String,
		initialVector: String,
		otpExpiryDateTime: 0001-01-01
	mbToken: String,
	ipAddress: String,
	userAgent: String,
	userPlatform: String,
	platformVer: String,
	mobileDeviceModel: String
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: text/jsv
Content-Length: length

	isSuccess: False,
	ecardHtml: String,
	errorMessage: String,
	mobileNumber: String,
	emailId: String,
			relationId: 0,
			relationName: String,
			name: String
		priBenefPolID: 0,
		priBenefEmpCode: String,
		priBeneficiaryName: String,
		benefRelToPriID: 0,
		benefRelation: String,
		benefMediAssistID: 0,
		benefPolID: 0,
		benefPolHldrID: 0,
		benefPolHldrName: String,
		insuranceCompanyName: String,
		insuranceLogoPath: String,
		maLogoPath: String,
		maSignPath: String,
		benefName: String,
		benefDOB: String,
		benefAge: 0,
		benefSex: String,
		polStartDate: String,
		polEndDate: String,
		generatedOn: String,
		pribenefRemainingBsi: 0,
		polNo: String,
		insuranceComapnayId: 0,
		polTPAId: 0,
		polFloater: False,
		sumInsured: 0,
		insurerBenefCode: String,
		corporateId: 0,
		benefRelOrder: 0,
		polCategoryId: 0,
		blockUnauthenticatedVersion: False,
		benefEmailId: String,
		benefContact: String,
		priBenefGrade: String,
		polSubTypeId: 0,
		benefAlphaCode: String,
		isCriticalTopUp: String,
		isTopUp: String,
		isCriticalIllnessConvered: String,
		benefEffectiveFrom: String,
		benefEffectiveTo: String,
		benefAreaCode: String
		encryptedText: String,
		isSendOTPSuccess: False,
		errorMsg: String,
		initialVector: String,
		passwordEncryption: String