MediBuddy Mobile Services V1.1

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The following routes are available for this service:

To override the Content-type in your clients HTTP Accept Header, append the .jsv suffix or ?format=jsv


The following are sample HTTP requests and responses. The placeholders shown need to be replaced with actual values.

POST /jsv/reply/ClaimCreateRequest HTTP/1.1 
Content-Type: text/jsv
Content-Length: length

	isFinalSubmission: False,
	isCheckDuplicateClaim: False,
	claimType: NA,
		claimRegnNo: String,
		policyId: 0,
		policyNumber: String,
		employeeId: String,
		maid: String,
		doa: String,
		dod: String,
		insurer: String,
		hospId: 0,
		hospitalName: String,
		hospCityId: 0,
		hospCityName: String,
		hospStateId: 0,
		hospStateName: String,
		benefId: String,
		benefName: String,
		benefRelation: 0,
		relationName: String,
		benefAge: 0,
		benefMobileNo: String,
		totalBillAmount: 0,
		userName: String,
		checklist: String,
		hospAddress: String,
		injuryDesc: String,
		benefAlphaCode: String,
		treatmentStartDate: String,
		treatmentEndDate: String,
		doctorName: String,
		doctorRegNo: String,
		benefEmail: String,
		ailment: String,
		isHospitalization: False,
		isPreHospitalization: False,
		isPostHospitalization: False,
		roomType: String,
		benefitCategory: String,
		benefitSubcategory: String,
		hospTelephoneNo: String,
		hospPANNo: String,
		paymentMode: String,
		accountHolderName: String,
		bankIFSCCode: String,
		bankName: String,
		bankAddress: String,
		branchName: String,
		accountNumber: String,
		barCodeNo: String,
		location: String,
		durationOfIllness: String,
		clinicName: String,
		clinicPinCode: String,
		claimSubmissionReason: String,
		reasonForLateDischarge: String,
		panNumber: String,
		aadharNumber: String,
		treatmentType: String,
		dropLocation: String,
		dropAddress: String,
		docSubmissionDate: 0001-01-01,
		effectiveDate: String,
		startDate: String,
		endDate: String
	mbToken: String,
	ipAddress: String,
	userAgent: String,
	userPlatform: String,
	platformVer: String,
	mobileDeviceModel: String
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: text/jsv
Content-Length: length

	isSuccess: False,
	claimReferenceNo: String,
	message: String,
	isDuplicate: False,
	duplicateClaimNumber: String,
			id: 0,
			billId: 0,
			billNumber: String,
			billDate: String,
			billDescription: String,
			billAmount: 0,
			noOfDocs: 0,
			payableAmount: 0,
			isActive: False,
			address: String,
			prescriptionDate: 0001-01-01,
			doctorName: String,
			doctorRegnNo: String,
			gstNo: String